Reinventing Business Solutions
Providing employment opportunities to more than 45,000 people who are blind or have significant disabilities, including approximately 3,000 veterans, the AbilityOne Program is among the nation’s largest providers of jobs for people who are blind or have significant disabilities. We are proud to be an Certified AbilityOne Distributor of goods.
OTN Solutions LLC is owned and operated by a US Military Veteran of 20 years. OTN's day to day operations are run with precision to insure on time delivery.
Years of dedicated military service has spilled over to running a successful business. We pride ourselves on quality products at affordable prices.
The Vets First Verification Program affords verified firms owned and controlled by Veterans and Service-disabled Veterans the opportunity to compete for VA set asides.
The Veterans Benefits, Health Care, and Information Technology Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-461) provides the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with unique authority for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) set-aside and sole source contracts.
The System for Award Management, or SAM, is a government-wide portal that is consolidating the capabilities of multiple systems and information sources used by the Federal government in conducting the acquisition and financial assistance processes.
GSA MAS Contract for SIN 339940
Contract Number
Ink and Toner